PermeaPad® Plate

PermeaPad® Plate

PermeaPad® Plate

Cell free assay for drug transport

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PermeaPad® Plate supports artificial membrane strategies for predicting passive transport (such as a new PAMPA for the gastrointestinal tract). The Plate enables the examination of the permeability of newly discovered API with the help of a simple and robust model.


A more precise prediction of potential drugs in the pre-clinical phase within the drug discovery pipeline under the use of cell free assays can increase the throughput of these drugs during the ADME phase. Permeability assays are prognostic models for the oral absorption of potential development candidates.


The PermeaPad® Plate consist of a biomimetic membrane that supports permeability assays. This artificial membrane facilitates an innovative approach of the traditional PAMPA. The membrane distinguishes from other by following characteristics:


  • Ready-to-use: no need to hydrate, defrost or prepare the membranes prior to the application
  • Storability at room temperature
  • Constant access to both wells (donor + acceptor compartment) for a combined dissolution and permeation assay
  • enlarged experimental stability to simulate in vivo situations


The PermeaPad® membrane is a highly stable and industrially manufactured membrane that allows you to compare today’s data with tomorrow’s data. The consistency from lot to lot will simplify your analysis. The compatibility with automated liquid handling systems will increase your throughput.


Why conduct in vitro assays?


Cost saving

In vivo- & in situ studies to examine the kinetics of drug incorporation through the gastrointestinal surface are, on the one hand, valuable estimation instruments. But on the other hand, they are relatively demanding and expensive. PermeaPad® membranes can reduce animal testing due to their in vivo-simulating properties.


Time saving  

With the PermeaPad® Plate form PHABIOC we provide a novel PAMPA-testing system for high throughput assays that can not only predict the behavior of the gastrointestinal mucosa but is also faster compared to other systems. Tests can be conducted manually or on flexible robot-based platforms.



We have not only developed an innovative and novel biomimetic membrane and integrated it into a 96-well plate but we have also demonstrated new applications. E.g., use the plate for permeability profiling of APIs or test combined assays (dissolution + permeation) of pre-formulations. Gathered data can help an early on ranking of the excipient influenced and pH-dependent GIT-absorption. This can help to prioritize and might even reduce needed animal testing.


*only for research purposes, not for the use in diagnostics