Mycoplasma Decontamination (MycoDecon) Spray

Mycoplasma Decontamination (MycoDecon) Spray

Mycoplasma Decontamination (MycoDecon) Spray



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Conquer Mycoplasma Contamination: MycoDeCon Spray for Cell Culture Protection

Ever flinch at those horror stories of mycoplasma contamination in the lab? We’ve all been there. It’s a silent threat with the potential to wreck months of meticulous cell culture work.

Listen, we get it. You might think, “Nah, that won’t happen to me, I’m super careful!” But here’s the thing: mycoplasma are sneaky little buggers. They can hitch a ride on anything – a contaminated pipette tip, a coworker’s cough… you name it. Before you know it, your pristine cell cultures are toast from cross-contamination.

As soon as contamination appears in the incubator, it is a challenge to eliminate it, and severe mental and monetary damage can be caused. But here’s the good news: you don’t have to live in fear. MycoDecon Spray is your shield against mycoplasma and other nasty contaminants.

MycoDecon Spray gets the job done:

  • Fast & Furious: Eliminates mycoplasma, bacteria, viruses, and fungi – a one-stop-shop for cell culture protection!
  • Lab-Friendly Formula: Works safely on surfaces, incubators, storage boxes, and even liquid nitrogen tanks.
  • Long-Lasting Defense: Maintain a sterile environment with regular disinfection.
  • Super Easy to Use: Just grab the spray bottle and banish those contaminants!


MycoDecon: It’s Not Just a Spray, It’s Peace of Mind

BioMycoX goes beyond decontamination. Here’s how it elevates your cell culture game:

  • Prevention is Key: Stop mycoplasma in its tracks before it wreaks havoc on your experiments.
  • Aseptic Technique Buddy: MycoDecon works alongside your aseptic technique for a double layer of defense.
  • Happy Incubator, Happy Cells: Disinfect your incubator regularly with MycoDecon spray to prevent cross-contamination.
  • Myco-Busting Trio: Pair MycoDecon Spray with our BioMycoX Mycoplasma Detection Kit for reliable routine detection and Nanomycopulitine Concentrat® 20X (Cat. No. L-X-16-100) for elimination in cell cultures (just in case!).


Invest in Your Research Success:

  • Protect your precious cell lines from mycoplasma’s wrath.
  • Save time and resources – say goodbye to experiment repeats.
  • Get consistent and reliable results – every single time.


Technical Data

Antibacterial Test

Mycodecon Spray Antibacterial Test against eight species of mycoplasma but also bacteria and yeast


To test the antibacterial efficacy of BioMycoX® Mycoplasma Prevention Spray against not only eight species of mycoplasma but also bacteria and yeast, each strain was streaked onto solid media. The surface of the solid media was divided in half, and the spray was applied to only one side for cultivation. The portion treated with the spray showed no microbial growth, while the untreated portion exhibited robust microbial growth. This observation confirmed the antibacterial effectiveness of BioMycoX® Mycoplasma Prevention Spray.




Mycoplasma strain: A. laidlawii (PPLO agar medium)
Disc1: Blank (no agent)
Disc2: 70% ethanol
Disc3: BioMycoX Mycoplasma Prevention Spray