Metabolic Disease Mouse Models

Metabolic Disease Mouse Models

Metabolic Disease Mouse Models

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Product Description

Metabolic syndrome has become a serious global epidemic that has increased in prevalence over the past several decades. By 2016, over 2.2 billion people were overweight, with over 774 million of those being obese. Type 2 diabetes, which is often exacerbated by obesity, was estimated to afflict 463 million people worldwide in 2019. Comorbidities in the cardiovascular system, the liver, the kidney, the bone and the joints, the GI tract and the immune system have shown clearly that metabolic dysfunction is a multi-system and multi-organ disease. Many studies have shown that both genetic and non-genetic factors (such as lifestyle, nutrition choice and social influence) contribute to the onset of metabolic dysfunction. Developing therapies to combat these metabolic diseases is in urgent need, as is the need for animal models to test the efficacy of such therapies.

Disease odel Genetic Background  Genetic Mutation  Induction Method  Availability Status 
Obesity DIO (B6J) C57BL/6J n.a. HFD Yes
B6-ob C57BL/6J Lep PM n.a. Yes
B6-Alms1 mutant C57BL/6J Alms1 mutation n.a. Yes
B6-hMC4R C57BL/6J hMC4R knockin n.a. 2022 Q3
B6-hGPR75 C57BL/6J hGPR75 knockin n.a. 2022 Q3
BKS-db BKS Lepr PM n.a. Yes
B6-hGLP-1R C57BL/6J hGLP-1R knockin n.a. 2022 Q3
B6-hGCGR C57BL/6J hGCGR knockin n.a. 2022 Q3
B6-hGIPR C57BL/6J hGIPR knockin n.a. 2022 Q3
B6-Alms1 mutant C57BL/6J Alms1 mutation n.a. Yes
Dyslipidemia WD Induced (B6J) C57BL/6J n.a. WD Yes
ApoE KO C57BL/6J Apoe knockout n.a. Yes
LDLR KO C57BL/6J Ldlr knockout n.a. Yes
B6-hPCSK9 C57BL/6J hPCSK9 knockin n.a. Yes
B6-hANGPTL2 C57BL/6J hANGPTL2 knockin n.a. 2022 Q3
B6-hANGPTL3 C57BL/6J hANGPTL3 knockin n.a. 2022 Q3
B6-hANGPTL4 C57BL/6J hANGPTL4 knockin n.a. 2022 Q3
B6-hLPA-tg C57BL/6J hLPA random transgene n.a. 2022 Q4
B6-hApoC3-tg C57BL/6J hAPOC3 randome transgene n.a. 2022 Q4
B6-hApoA1-tg C57BL/6J hAPOA1 random transgene n.a. 2022 Q4
B6-hApoB-tg C57BL/6J hAPOB random transngene n.a. 2022 Q4
NASH HFD+CCl4 C57BL/6J n.a. HFD+CCl4 Yes
BKS-db+WD BKS Lepr PM WD Yes
B6-Alms1 mutant+WD C57BL/6J Alms1 mutation WD Yes
WD Induced NASH (B6J) C57BL/6J n.a. WD Yes
B6-hHSD17B13 C57BL/6J hHSD17B13 knockin n.a. 2022 Q3
B6-hPNPLA3 C57BL/6J hPNPLA3 knockin n.a. 2022 Q3
Diabetic Nephropathy BKS-db; eNOS-/- BKS Lepr and Nos3 double knockout n.a. 2022 Q4
Hyperuricemia Uox-KO C57BL/6J Uox knockout n.a. 2022 Q4
Hepatic Fibrosis CCl4 Any n.a. CCl4 Yes
Arthritis CIA (DBA/1J) DBA/1J n.a. Collagen II Yes
CIA (DBA-hIl17a) DBA/1J hIl17a knockin Collagen II Yes
Hemophilia F8 KO C57BL/6J F8 knockout n.a. Yes
Osteoporosis B6-hRANKL-OPG KO C57BL/6J hRANKL knockin and Tnfrsf11b knockout n.a. Yes
Psoriasis IMQ Induced (BALB/c) BALB/c n.a. Imiquimod (5%) Yes
IMQ Induced (BALB/c-hIl17a) BALB/c hIl17a knockin Imiquimod (5%) Yes