Cre/Dre Mice

Cre/Dre Mice

Product Description

Organ/system Subclassification:
  • Adipose tissue
  • Alimentary system
  • Circulation system
  • Endocrine system
  • Immune system
  • Liver
  • Motor & skeletal system
  • Nervous system
  • Reproductive system
  • Respiratory system
  • Sensory organs
  • Ubiquitous
  • Uncategorized
  • Urinary system


T003814 Alb-iCre Alb Liver Hepatic cells Yes
T007670 B6-Pdx1-iCre Pdx1 Alimentary system

Endocrine system

Alimentary system-Stomach

Alimentary system-Pancreas

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Pancreatic ductal epithelial cells, islet cells, parietal cells and duodenal epithelial cells Yes
T005640 Csf1r-IRES-iCre Csf1r Immune system Immune system-Monocytes & macrophages

Immune system-Dendritic cells

Dendritic cells, monocytes, macrophages Yes
T006187 Cspg4-CreERT2 Cspg4 Circulation system

Nervous system

Circulation system-Others

Nervous system-Supportive cells

Perivascular cells and gliocytes Yes
T006768 Cx3cr1-iCre Cx3cr1 Immune system

Nervous system

Immune system-T lymphocytes

Immune system-Monocytes & macrophages

Immune system-NK cells

Nervous system-Supportive cells

Monocytes, macrophages, microglial cells, NK cells, CD8+ T cells Yes
T055137 Gja10-iCre Gja10 Sensory organs Retina, crystalline lens Yes
T006950 H11-Ctsk-iCre Ctsk Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage Osteoclasts Yes
T004857 H11-Gfap-iCre Gfap Nervous system Nervous system-Supportive cells Astrocytes of the central Nervous system Yes
T004819 H11-Itgax-iCre Itgax Immune system Immune system-NK cells

Immune system-Dendritic cells

Dendritic cells, NK cells, etc Yes
T004713 H11-Myh6-iCre Myh6 Circulation system Circulation system-Myocardium Almost all mature cardiomyocytes Yes
T052699 H11-Syn1-iCre Syn1 Nervous system

Reproductive system

Nervous system-Corpus striatum

Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs reproductive organs

Nervous system-Cortex

Widely expressed in brain, relatively low in corpus striatum and high in cortex Yes
T004714 H11-Vil1-iCre Vil1 Alimentary system Alimentary system-Large intestine

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Epithelial cells in gastrointestinal tract and Urinary system Yes
T004833 H11-hKRT14-iCre KRT14 Sensory organs Cells in ectodermal differentiated tissues such as skin, keratinocytes, oral epithelium, etc. Yes
T003768 Lgr5-creERT2 Lgr5 Alimentary system


Alimentary system-Stomach

Alimentary system-Large intestine

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Uncategorized-Application scenary identified

Simple columnar epithelial cells (intestinal stem cells) and colon stem cells, gastric glandular epithelial stem cells, mammary gland stem cells(basal cells) Yes
T006205 Lrat-P2A-iCre Lrat Liver Hepatic stellate cells Yes
T003822 Lyz2-icre Lyz2 Immune system Immune system-Granulocytes

Immune system-Monocytes & macrophages

Immune system-Dendritic cells

Myeloid cells (including monocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, mastocytes, and some dendritic cells, etc.) Yes
T005674 Ncr1-iCre-P2A Ncr1 Immune system Immune system-NK cells NK cells Yes
T004715 Sftpc-IRES-iCre Sftpc Respiratory system Alveolar type II cell Yes
T003764 Tek-iCre Tek Circulation system Circulation system-Hematopoietic cell lineage

Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium

Endothelial cells (blood vessels, lymph vessels, endocardium), some hematopoietic stem cells and blood cells Yes
T053168 1700028K03Rik-HA-P2A-CreGFP 1700028K03Rik Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application under discovery 1700028K03Rik+ cells, application under discovery No
T055140 Acan-P2A-CreERT2 Acan Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage Fibrochondrocytes in growth plate, articular cartilage, meniscus, trachea and intervertebral disc No
T004711 Adipoq-P2A-iCre Adipoq Adipose tissue White adipose tissue No
T004894 Aif1-CreERT2 Aif1 Reproductive system Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs Testis No
T055035 Alb-IRES-iCre Alb Liver Hepatic cells No
T052693 Aldh1l1-CreERT2 Aldh1l1 Nervous system Nervous system-Supportive cells Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes No
T006926 Aldh1l1-P2A-iCre Aldh1l1 Nervous system Nervous system-Supportive cells Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes No
T007700 Amh-P2A-iCre Amh Reproductive system Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Sertoli cells, spermatids, epididymal and seminiferous epithelial cells, follicle cells, oocytes, etc No
T036905 Angptl7-P2A-CreERT2 Angptl7 Motor & skeletal system

Urinary system

Reproductive system

Motor & skeletal system-Skelatal muscle

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs

Chondrocytes No
T004733 Apln-iCre Apln Circulation system Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium Vascular endothelial cell No
T051578 Aqp5-CreERT2-EGFP Aqp5 Respiratory system

Alimentary system

Alimentary system-Others Epithelial cells in salivary gland and lung, etc. No
T054674 Atp4b-iCre Atp4b Alimentary system Alimentary system-Stomach Parietal cells No
T053984 Axin1-P2A-CreERT2 Axin1 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application under discovery Axin1+ cells, application under discovery No
T052696 Bmi1-P2A-CreERT2 Bmi1 Alimentary system Alimentary system-Small intestine Epithelial cells in small intestinal crypt No
T006946 Brs3-P2A-iCre Brs3 Nervous system Nervous system-Others Parabrachial nuclei No
T006202 Calb1-P2A-iCre Calb1 Nervous system Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Corpus striatum

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Brainstem

Some cells in hippocampus, corpus striatum, thalamus, hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla and cerebellum No
T004855 Cck-IRES-iCre Cck Nervous system Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Widely expressed in the cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus; other areas of the brain have sparse, dispersed expression; the Purkinje cell layer in the cerebellum is highly expressed; enriched in restricted pons and medulla populations No
T003785 Cd19-icre Cd19 Immune system Immune system-B lymphocytes B cells No
T051224 Cd209e-P2A-iCre-P2A-tdTomato Cd209e Immune system Immune system-Dendritic cells Dendritic cells No
T055138 Cd34-P2A-CreERT2 Cd34 Circulation system Circulation system-Hematopoietic cell lineage Cd34+ hematopoietic stem cells, activated inflammatory cells No
T055135 Cd4-IRES-iCre Cd4 Immune system Immune system-T lymphocytes Helper T cells (CD4+ T cells) No
T007046 Cdh16-CreERT2 Cdh16 Urinary system Renal tubular epithelial cells No
T052686 Cdh5-P2A-CreERT2 Cdh5 Circulation system Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium Vascular endothelial cells No
T006965 Cep295nl-P2A-Cre Cep295nl Reproductive system Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs Testis No
T055158 Chat-iCre Chat Nervous system Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Corpus striatum

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Amygdala

Nervous system-Olfactory bulb

Brainstem (thalamus, basal ganglion), basal forebrain (hippocampus, olfactory bulb, amygdala), corpus striatum and cholinergicneurons No
T056749 Cldn18-IRES-CreERT2 Cldn18 Alimentary system

Respiratory system

Alimentary system-Stomach Lung, stomach No
T036801 Clec4f-IRES-iCre Clec4f Liver Kupffer cells No
T053653 Clu-P2A-CreERT2-P2A-EGFP Clu Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application scenary identified Upregulated in cells undergoing inflammatory stress or genomic damage stress No
T055147 Cntnap2-P2A-CreERT2-P2A-mCherry Cntnap2 Nervous system Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Corpus striatum

Nervous system-Cortex

Embryonic prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, corpus striatum; GABAergic interneurons, excitatory pyramidal neurons No
T006204 Csf1r-P2A-CreERT2 Csf1r Immune system Immune system-Monocytes & macrophages

Immune system-Dendritic cells

Dendritic cells, monocytes, macrophages No
T052701 Cxcl1-P2A-iCre Cxcl1 Immune system Immune system-Monocytes & macrophages Bone marrow macrophages No
T055139 Cyp17a1-P2A-iCre Cyp17a1 Reproductive system Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs reproductive organs

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Theca-interstitial cells and leydig cells No
T055388 Dclk1-CreERT2-IRES-EGFP-polyA Dclk1 Nervous system

Alimentary system

Respiratory system

Nervous system-Hippocampus

Alimentary system-Stomach

Alimentary system-Large intestine

Alimentary system-Pancreas

Nervous system-Cortex

Colorectum, bile duct, stomach, pancreas, lung, hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, prefrontal cortex No
T050097 Dmbt1-rox-stop-rox-P2A-iCre Dmbt1 Alimentary system Alimentary system-Stomach

Alimentary system-Pancreas

Alimentary system-Large intestine

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Gastrointestinal tract, pancreas No
T052793 Drd1-iCre Drd1 Nervous system Nervous system-Corpus striatum

Nervous system-Cortex

Highly expressed in ampler piriform (pear-shaped) cortex and corpus striatum; restrictly expressed in medulla, pons and cerebellum No
T052794 Drd2-iCre Drd2 Nervous system Nervous system-Corpus striatum

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Olfactory bulb

Expressed primarily in corpus striatum, seldom in cerebellum, cortex, thalamus, medulla and olfactory bulb No
T050695 Ebf1-icre Ebf1 Immune system Immune system-B lymphocytes B cells No
T006195 Elane-iCre Elane Immune system Immune system-Granulocytes

Immune system-Monocytes & macrophages

Granulocytes-monocyte progenitors, neutrophils, monocytes, macrophagess No
T055046 Elane-iCre-P2A-EGFP Elane Immune system Immune system-Granulocytes

Immune system-Monocytes & macrophages

Granulocytes-monocyte progenitors, neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages No
T052704 Elf5-P2A-iCre Elf5 Uncategorized

Reproductive system

Endocrine system

Sensory organs

Uncategorized-Application scenary identified

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Mammary gland, salivary gland, skin, prostate, adrenal gland No
T054663 En1-IRES-creERT2 En1 Nervous system Nervous system-Brainstem

Nervous system-Others

Nervous system-Spinal cord

Nervous system-Cerebellum

Mesencephalon and rhombomere, as well as the developing cerebellum, dermis, and limbs No


T053982 En1-P2A-iCre En1 Nervous system Nervous system-Brainstem

Nervous system-Others

Nervous system-Spinal cord

Nervous system-Cerebellum

Mesencephalon and rhombomere, as well as the developing cerebellum, dermis, and limbs No
T052749 Epor-P2A-iCre-P2A-EGFP Epor Circulation system Circulation system-Hematopoietic cell lineage erythroid progenitor cells No
T053613 Epx-IRES-iCre Epx Immune system Immune system-Granulocytes Eosinophils No
T056043 Etv1-P2A-iCre Etv1 Circulation system

Nervous system

Sensory organs

Circulation system-Myocardium

Nervous system-Others

ER81+neurons (including L5 of pyramidal neurons), myocardial cells, retinal ganglion cells and inner nuclear layer cells No
T058048 Fn1-CreERT2 Fn1 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application scenary identified Fn1+ cells like dorsal subiculum neurons, etc No
T052797 Fos-CreERT2 Fos Nervous system Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Amygdala

Nervous system-Supportive cells

Hippocampus, amygdala and subplate, especially in the deep cortical layer No
T052687 Foxg1-P2A-iCre Foxg1 Nervous system Nervous system-Others Early expression begins in the telencephalon at E8.5-E9.0. Followed by expresion in ear vesicle, anterior half of the optic capsule, pharyngeal endoderm and foregut at E10.5. No
T006185 Gcg-IRES-CreERT2 Gcg Endocrine system Pancreatic α-cells, enteroendocrine cells and some neurons No
T055136 Gcg-P2A-iCre Gcg Endocrine system Pancreatic α-cells, enteroendocrine cells, some neurons No
T053866 Gfap-P2A-Dre Gfap Nervous system Nervous system-Supportive cells Astrocytes of the central Nervous system No
T052707 Ghrl-P2A-iCre Ghrl Alimentary system Alimentary system-Stomach

Alimentary system-Pancreas

Alimentary system-Large intestine

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Gastrointestinal tract, pancreas No
T050098 Gkn1-rox-stop-rox-P2A-iCre Gkn1 Alimentary system Alimentary system-Stomach Stomach No
T051137 Gnb4-P2A-CreERT2-P2A-mEGFP Gnb4 Nervous system Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Cortex, thalamus, hypothalamus No
T006924 Grik2-P2A-iCre Grik2 Nervous system Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Brainstem

Almost ubiquitous in brain No
T017784 H11-Alb-CreERT2 Alb Liver Hepatic cells No
T052677 H11-BEST1-iCre-SV40 Intron BEST1 Sensory organs Retinal pigment epithelium, muller cells No
T006947 H11-C1ql2-iCre C1ql2 Nervous system Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus Excitatory neurons in the anterodorsal subganglion of the thalamus No
T049745 H11-CAG-Dre-WERP-PolyA CAG Ubiquitous Ubiquitous expressed No
T049774 H11-CAG-DreERT2-WPRE-PolyA CAG Ubiquitous Ubiquitous expressed No
T054722 H11-Camk2a-iCre-polyA Camk2a Nervous system Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Others

Forebrain, CA1 pyramidal neurons No


T004818 H11-Cd4-iCre Cd4 Immune system Immune system-T lymphocytes Helper T cells (CD4+ T cells), cytotoxic T cells(CD4+CD8+ T cells) No
T004820 H11-Cdh16-iCre Cdh16 Urinary system Renal tubular epithelial cells(primarily in distal renal tubule for those in the proximal tubule are less efficient) No
T004712 H11-Cdh5-iCre Cdh5 Circulation system Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium Vascular endothelial cell No
T004734 H11-Col1a1-iCre Col1a1 Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage

Motor & skeletal system-Skeletal muscle

Cells in connective tissues such as cornea, tendons, etc; osteoblasts No
T014706 H11-Col2a1-β-globin intron-CreERT2-polyA Col2a1 Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage Chondrocytes No
T004830 H11-Dmp1-iCre Dmp1 Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage Odontoblasts, osteoblasts, osteocytes No
T004831 H11-Fabp4-iCre Fabp4 Adipose tissue Mainly active in brown and white adipose cells, however this strain also displays activity in skeletal muscle cells, cardiomyocytes, macrophagess, etc. No
T004832 H11-KRT5-iCre KRT5 Urinary system

Sensory organs

Alimentary system

Reproductive system

Alimentary system-Others

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Basal cells of the epidermis, corneal cells, esophageal epithelium, prostate, bladder, some spontaneous breast and lung cancer cells, etc. No
T005635 H11-MMTV-iCre MMTV Alimentary system

Reproductive system

Sensory organs

Immune system

Alimentary system-Others

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Immune system-T lymphocytes

Immune system-B lymphocytes

Mammary gland, salivary gland, seminal vesicle, skin, T cells, B cells and erythrocytes No
T004821 H11-Mx1-iCre Mx1 Immune system Immune system-Others With IFN-α, IFN-β, or dsRNA induction, it is highly expressed in INF-responsive cells such as lymphocytes and macrophagess. Lack of activity in the absence of stimulation. No
T004858 H11-Myh6-CreERT2 Myh6 Circulation system Circulation system-Myocardium Almost all mature cardiomyocytes No
T004010 H11-Myl2-CreERT2-P2A-tdTomato Myl2 Circulation system Circulation system-Myocardium Adult cardiomyocytes No
T005680 H11-Nphs1-iCre Nphs1 Urinary system Glomerular podocytes No
T004859 H11-Pax8-CreERT2 Pax8 Urinary system Renal tubule No
T005638 H11-Pbsn-iCre Pbsn Reproductive system Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs Prostate No
T004860 H11-Pdx1(Ipf1)-Cre Pdx1 Alimentary system

Endocrine system

Alimentary system-Stomach

Alimentary system-Pancreas

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Pancreatic ductal epithelial cells, islet cells, parietal cells and duodenal epithelial cells No
T052678 H11-Rat CCSP(Scgb1a1)-iCre RatCCSP Respiratory system Lung, respiratory epithelial cells No
T009409 H11-Stra8-iCre Stra8 Reproductive system Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Seminiferous tubular epithelial cells, leydig cells, oogonia No
T050817 H11-Thy1-iCre-IRES-ZsGreen Thy1 Immune system

Nervous system

Sensory organs

Circulation system

Immune system-T lymphocytes

Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Cortex

Circulation system-Hematopoietic cell lineage

Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium

Thymocytes, T cells, cortex, hippocampusneurons, retinal ganglion cells, fibroblast subtypes, perivascular cells, activated endothelial cells, mesangial cells, hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells No
T004829 H11-Vil1-CreERT2 Vil1 Alimentary system Alimentary system-Large intestine

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Epithelial cells in gastrointestinal tract and Urinary system No



T052705 H11-Zp3-iCre Zp3 Reproductive system Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs reproductive organs Expressed in the oocytes before the first meiotic division No
T052710 H11-hBGLAP-Rabbit beta-globin IVS2-iCre-Beta-actin 3’UTR hBGLAP Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage Osteoblasts No
T004983 H11-hCD2-iCre hCD2 Immune system Immune system-T lymphocytes

Immune system-Others

Immune system-B lymphocytes

Immune system-NK cells

Thymic epithelial cells and all lymphatic lineage cells (T, B, NK, and some dendritic cells) No
T005671 H11-hDBH-iCre hDBH Nervous system Nervous system-Brainstem

Nervous system-Spinal cord

Nervous system-Others

Adrenal gland No
T005634 H11-hED-L2-iCre ED-L2 Alimentary system Alimentary system-Others Esophagus epithelial cells No
T005327 H11-hSTK11-iCre hSTK11 Immune system Immune system-T lymphocytes Treg cells No
T005672 H11-hTPO-iCre hTPO Endocrine system Thyroid No
T017785 Hopx-CreERT2 Hopx Circulation system

Alimentary system


Respiratory system

Circulation system-Myocardium

Alimentary system-Large intestine

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Intestinal epithelial cells and villus cells, some alveolar epithelial cells, myocardial cells, some parenchymal hepatic cells, etc No
T037878 Iapp-iCre Iapp Alimentary system Alimentary system-Pancreas Pancreas No
T050729 Igf1-P2A-CreERT2 Igf1 Liver Liver cells No
T006972 Il5-P2A-iCre Il5 Immune system Immune system-Others Type II innate lymphoid cells No
T004822 Ins1-iCre Ins1 Endocrine system Pancreatic β cell No
T004817 Ins2-iCre Ins2 Endocrine system Pancreatic β cell No
T050818 Itm2a-P2A-DreERT2 Itm2a Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Skeletal muscle Myofiber No
T050819 Itm2a-P2A-iCre Itm2a Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Skeletal muscle Myofiber No
T052792 Kdr-P2A-iCre Kdr Circulation system Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium Blood cells, vascular endothelial cells No
T052689 Klrb1c-iCre-P2A Klrb1c Immune system Immune system-NK cells NK cells No
T053524 Kng2-P2A-rox-stop-rox-iCre Kng2 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application under discovery Kng2+ cells, application under discovery No
T056046 Krt19-DreERT2-polyA Krt19 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application scenary identified Epithelial cells in lung, oral cavity, bronchus, bronchiole, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, kidney, liver, etc. No
T006978 Ly6a-P2A-iCre Ly6a Circulation system Circulation system-Hematopoietic cell lineage

Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium

Vascular endothelial cells, some hematopoietic precursor cells No


T054284 Ly6d-P2A-CreERT2 Ly6d Immune system Immune system-B lymphocytes Ly6d+ cells, including some B cells No
T004985 Lyve1-IRES-iCre Lyve1 Circulation system Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium Lymphatic endothelial cells No
T052871 Lyz1-P2A-iCre Lyz1 Alimentary system Alimentary system-Small intestine Paneth cells at the base of the small intestine No
T052789 Lyz2-CreERT2 Lyz2 Immune system Immune system-Granulocytes

Immune system-Monocytes & macrophages

Immune system-Dendritic cells

Myeloid cells (including monocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, mastocytes and some dendritic cells, etc) No
T055071 Lyz2-P2A-iCre-P2A-EGFP Lyz2 Immune system Immune system-Granulocytes

Immune system-Monocytes & macrophages

Immune system-Dendritic cells

Myeloid cells (including monocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, mastocytes and some dendritic cells, etc) No
T055107 Lyz2-iCre Lyz2 Immune system Immune system-Granulocytes

Immune system-Monocytes & macrophages

Immune system-Dendritic cells

Myeloid cells (including monocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, mastocytes and some dendritic cells, etc) No
T050101 MKi67-rox-stop-rox-iCre MKi67 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application scenary identified Actively dividing cells No
T053841 Mag-P2A-Dre Mag Nervous system Nervous system-Supportive cells Oligodendrocytes No
T037362 Mcam-CreERT2-P2A Mcam Circulation system Circulation system-Vascular smooth muscle

Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium

Mesenchymal stem cells, vascular endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells No
T058059 Mcpt8-P2A-iCre-T2A-EGFP Mcpt8 Immune system Immune system-Granulocytes Basophils No
T053520 Mki67-rox-stop-rox-CreERT2-P2A Mki67 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application scenary identified Actively dividing cells No
T051136 Ms4a1-iCre Ms4a1 Immune system Immune system-T lymphocytes

Immune system-B lymphocytes

Primarily on B cells and some Treg cells No
T051032 Msx2-P2A-iCre-P2A-EGFP Msx2 Reproductive system

Motor & skeletal system

Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs reproductive organs

Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage

Skin, skull, developing limb fields/limb buds and their differentiated cells, oocytes and follicles No
T052702 Muc2-P2A-iCre Muc2 Alimentary system Alimentary system-Small intestine Goblet cells No
T006806 Myf5-P2A-iCre Myf5 Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle No
T055034 Myh6-IRES-iCre Myh6 Circulation system Circulation system-Myocardium Almost all mature cardiomyocytes No
T057354 Ncam1-P2A-CreERT2 Ncam1 Nervous system Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Supportive cells

Cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, astrocytes No
T050180 Nes-P2A-iCre Nes Nervous system Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Brainstem

Nervous system-Supportive cells

Central and peripheral Nervous system, neural precursor cells, oligodendrocyte precursor cells No
T052684 Nfatc1-P2A-iCre Nfatc1 Circulation system

Motor & skeletal system

Circulation system-Others

Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage

Osteoclasts, endocardial cells No
T006193 Nkx2-5-IRES-iCre Nkx2-5 Circulation system Circulation system-Myocardium Cardiac crescent cells and cardiac ductal progenitor cells No


T053687 Npsr1-IRES-iCre Npsr1 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application under discovery Npsr1+ cells, application under discovery No
T006188 Npy-iCre Npy Nervous system Nervous system-Corpus striatum

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Olfactory bulb

Ubiquitously expressed in cortex, with high activity in layer 6 in posterior cortical regions and in layers 4, 5, and 6 in anterior cortical regions. Expression is also enriched in the hypothalamus, thalamus, striatum, olfactory bulb and cerebellum No
T056031 Nr2f2-IRES-iCre Nr2f2 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application under discovery Nr2f2+ cells, application under discovery No
T052781 Nr4a2-P2A-CreERT2-IRES-EGFP Nr4a2 Nervous system

Endocrine system

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Olfactory bulb

Expressed in pear-shaped nucleus and entorhinal area; also active in pituitary and adrenal gland No
T055994 Nrp2-CreERT2 Nrp2 Nervous system

Respiratory system

Circulation system

Endocrine system

Circulation system-Hematopoietic cell lineage

Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium

Nervous system-Others

Intracranial neural crest cells and trunk neural crest cells; vascular & lymphatic endothelial cells; pancreatic islet cells; lung No
T052683 Nrp2-iCre Nrp2 Nervous system

Respiratory system

Circulation system

Circulation system-Hematopoietic cell lineage

Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium

Nervous system-Others

Primitive cells, venous and lymphatic endothelial cells, sensory ganglia, lung No
T056221 Olfm4-IRES-EGFPCreERT2 Olfm4 Alimentary system Alimentary system-Small intestine Intestinal stem cells No
T005675 Otx2-iCre-P2A Otx2 Nervous system

Sensory organs

Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Almost all ectoderm-derived brain regions, retina, craniofacial structures, etc. No
T006593 Pcp2-iCre Pcp2 Nervous system

Sensory organs

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus Purkinje cells in the cerebellum and hypothalamus; retinal bipolar neurons No
T057581 Pdha2-GFPCre Pdha2 Reproductive system Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs Testis No
T055044 Pecam1-iCre-P2A-EGFP Pecam1 Circulation system Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium Endothelial cells No
T005328 Pf4-P2A-iCre Pf4 Circulation system Circulation system-Hematopoietic cell lineage Megakaryocytes and some hematopoietic stem cells No
T050132 Phox2b-CreERT2 Phox2b Nervous system

Endocrine system

Nervous system-Others Hindbrain, especially the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve, visceral motor neurons and gill motor neurons located in the parasympathetic nerve, nodal sensory ganglia and solitary bundle nucleus cells; adult mice also have Cre activity in the adrenal gland with induction No
T057690 Pi16-P2A-CreERT2 Pi16 Urinary system Urinary bladder No
T053779 Postn-MerCreMer Postn Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Skeletal muscle Myofibroblasts in injured tissue No
T006206 Prdm1-P2A-iCre Prdm1 Reproductive system

Immune system

Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs reproductive organs

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Immune system-B lymphocytes

Primordial germ cells, plasmocytes No
T052700 Prl3d1-iCre Prl3d1 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application scenary identified Placental trophoblasts No
T052711 Prok2-P2A-iCre Prok2 Reproductive system Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs Testis No
T053169 Psma8-P2A-CreGFP Psma8 Reproductive system Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs Testis No
T006208 Ptf1a-P2A-CreERT2 Ptf1a Alimentary system Alimentary system-Pancreas Pancreas No


T054004 Pth2-P2A-Cre Pth2 Reproductive system Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs Testis No
T049920 Pthlh-iCre Pthlh Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage Growth plate chondrocytes No
T004861 Pvalb-IRES-iCre Pvalb Nervous system Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Corpus striatum

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Brainstem

Expressed in restricted and/or sparse cells in the cerebellum, medulla, pons, midbrain, cortex, hippocampus, thalamus, and corpus striatum No
T006190 Rax-iCre-P2A Rax Nervous system

Sensory organs

Endocrine system

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Others

Developing retinal cells, hypothalamus and posterior pituitary gland. No
T056032 Rora-IRES-iCre Rora Immune system

Nervous system

Sensory organs

Immune system-T lymphocytes

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Widely expressed in brain, with high expression in the thalamus, cerebellum, and retina; activity in Purkinje cells and some CD4+ T cells No
T054834 Rosa26-Alb-iCre-polyA Alb Liver Hepatic cells No
T050183 Rosa26-EIIA-iCre EIIA Ubiquitous Ubiquitous expressed (expressed during early embryonic development) No
T050182 Rosa26-SA-CreERT2 Rosa26 Ubiquitous Ubiquitous expressed No
T053975 Ruvbl2-P2A-iCre Ruvbl2 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application under discovery Ruvbl2+ cells, application under discovery No
T005636 S100A8-iCre hS100A8 Immune system Immune system-Granulocytes

Immune system-Monocytes & macrophages

Granulocytes, macrophages No
T052706 Scnn1a-P2A-iCre Scnn1a Nervous system Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Corpus striatum

Nervous system-Cortex

Whole cortex, corpus striatum, hippocampus and cerebellum No
T052916 Sfrp2-DreERT2-IRES-LacZ-polyA Sfrp2 Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage Osteoblasts No
T056443 Slc12a1-DreERT2-P2A-EGFP-T2A Slc12a1 Urinary system Kidney No
T056832 Slc12a1-P2A-DreERT2-T2A-EGFP Slc12a1 Urinary system Kidney No
T052991 Slc34a1-CreERT2-EGFP Slc34a1 Urinary system Renal proximal tubular stem cells No
T006955 Slc6a3-iCre Slc6a3 Nervous system Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Brainstem

Dopaminergic neurons No
T052999 Slc6a3-ires-iCre Slc6a3 Nervous system Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Brainstem

Dopaminergic neurons No
T056087 Slit3-IRES-iCre Slit3 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application under discovery Slit3+ cells, application under discovery No
T057018 Smpd3-3*Flag-IRES-EGFP-P2A-CreERT2 Smpd3 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application under discovery Smpd3+ cells, application under discovery No
T005679 Sohlh1-iCre Sohlh1 Reproductive system Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs reproductive organs Primordial follicles No


T056184 Sost-CreERT2 Sost Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage Osteocytes No
T051115 Sox1-P2A-iCre-P2A-EGFP Sox1 Uncategorized

Nervous system

Nervous system-Others

Uncategorized-Application scenary identified

Neuroepithelial cells during embryonic development and their differentiation into mesenchymal stem cells (neural crest migration and differentiation), resulting in widespread cre activity No
T050099 Sox2-rox-stop-rox-P2A-iCre Sox2 Nervous system Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Brainstem

Ectoderm-derived cells such as neural precursor cells and epithelial cells No
T057842 Spata13-IRES-iCre Spata13 Nervous system Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Amygdala

Nervous system-Spinal cord

Central amygdala, prefrontal cortex, spinal cord No
T049832 Spp1-CreERT2-IRES-EGFP Spp1 Urinary system Kidney No
T051545 Srf-iCre Srf Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application under discovery Srf+ cells, application under discovery No
T052682 Tac1-P2A-iCre Tac1 Nervous system Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Olfactory bulb

Nervous system-Brainstem

Para- and anterior olfactory bulbs, thalamus, VMH and midbrain structures (e.g. superior colliculus) and scattered cells in caudate nucleus, septum, hypothalamus, midbrain, hindbrain and cerebellum No
T055339 Tagln-CreERT2 Tagln Circulation system

Alimentary system

Reproductive system

Circulation system-Vascular smooth muscle

Circulation system-Myocardium

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Alimentary system-Large intestine

Alimentary system-Stomach

Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Smooth muscle cells, myocardial cells No
T006862 Tagln-iCre Tagln Circulation system

Alimentary system

Reproductive system

Circulation system-Vascular smooth muscle

Circulation system-Myocardium

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Alimentary system-Large intestine

Alimentary system-Stomach

Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Smooth muscle cells, myocardial cells No
T053636 Tcf21-RFP-P2A-iCre Tcf21 Circulation system Circulation system-Others Epicardial cells; fibroblasts in lung, kidney, stomach, small intestine, etc. No
T051252 Tcf7-P2A-CreERT2-IRES-EGFP Tcf7 Immune system Immune system-T lymphocytes Primarily on CD8+ T cells in spleen and lymph node No
T055033 Tek-P2A-iCre Tek Circulation system Circulation system-Hematopoietic cell lineage

Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium

Endothelial cells in blood vessels, lymph vessel, endocardium and a few hematopoietic stem cells and blood cells No
T036743 Tg(Acta2-iCre) Acta2 Circulation system

Alimentary system

Reproductive system

Circulation system-Vascular smooth muscle

Circulation system-Myocardium

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Alimentary system-Large intestine

Alimentary system-Stomach

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs

Myofibroblasts No
T052679 Tg(Adipoq-CreERT2) Adipoq Adipose tissue White adipose tissue, brown adipose tissue No
T010826 Tg(Car1-iCre) Car1 Alimentary system Alimentary system-Large intestine

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Epithelial cells in cecum and proximal colon, some small intestinal epithelial cells No
T007005 Tg(Cd8a-iCre ) Cd8a Immune system Immune system-T lymphocytes CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, CD4+ T cells (due to existance of CD4+CD8+ T cells during development) No
T036859 Tg(Ckmm-iCre) Ckmm Circulation system

Motor & skeletal system

Circulation system-Myocardium

Motor & skeletal system-Skeletal muscle

Skeletal muscle and myocardial cells No
T005639 Tg(Crx-iCre) Crx Nervous system

Sensory organs

Nervous system-Others Retina, pineal body No
T009775 Tg(Cryaa-iCre) Cryaa Sensory organs Lens epithelial cells, lensfibers No
T010853 Tg(Foxp3-iCre) Foxp3 Immune system Immune system-T lymphocytes Treg cells No


T017624 Tg(Fzd5-iCre) Fzd5 Alimentary system

Sensory organs

Reproductive system

Alimentary system-Stomach

Alimentary system-Large intestine

Alimentary system-Small intestine

Alimentary system-Others

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Retinal cells; sublingual gland, esophagus, stomach, intestinal epithelial cells, intestinal villi and low activity in pancreas islet; prostate, testis。 No
T010833 Tg(Kap-iCre) Kap Urinary system Kidney of male mice No
T014734 Tg(Nr5a1-iCre) Nr5a1 Reproductive system

Endocrine system

Nervous system

Reproductive system-Female reproductive organs reproductive organs

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Ventromedial hypothalamus, adrenal cortex, pituitary and gonad No
T009779 Tg(Nrl-iCre) Nrl Sensory organs Rod cells No
T014859 Tg(Opn1mw-iCre) Opn1mw(M-opsin) Sensory organs Cone cells (medium wavelength) No
T010813 Tg(Opn1sw-iCre) Opn1sw Sensory organs Cone cells (small wavelength) No
T010829 Tg(Prox1-CreERT2) Prox1 Circulation system

Motor & skeletal system

Sensory organs


Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium

Circulation system-Myocardium

Motor & skeletal system-Skeletal muscle

Lymphatic endothelial cells No
T036868 Tg(Runx2-iCre-FRT) Runx2 Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage Osteoblasts No
T006589 Tg(S100a4-CreERT2) S100a4 Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application scenary identified Stromal fibroblasts in the prostate, forestomach, breast, etc. No
T009747 Tg(Sftpa1-iCre) Sftpa1 Respiratory system Lung No
T052691 Tg(Sox2-iCre) Sox2 Nervous system

Sensory organs

Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Nervous system-Brainstem

Ectoderm-derived cells such as neural precursor cells and epithelial cells No
T052681 Tg(Sp7-iCre) Sp7 Motor & skeletal system Motor & skeletal system-Bone/cartilage Osteoblasts No
T036984 Tg(Vsx2-iCre) Vsx2 Sensory organs Bipolar nerve cells No
T050269 TgTn(pb-CAG-iCre) CAG Ubiquitous Ubiquitous expressed No
T053476 Tigit-P2A-EGFP-P2A-iCre Tigit Immune system Immune system-T lymphocytes

Immune system-NK cells

Some activated T cells, majority of NK cells No
T050766 Tmem119-P2A-CreERT2 Tmem119 Nervous system Nervous system-Supportive cells Microglial cells No
T050767 Tmem119-P2A-iCre Tmem119 Nervous system Nervous system-Supportive cells Microglial cells, actual efficacy unknown due to non-specific expression during embryonic development No
T015813 Trp63-CreERT2 Trp63 Urinary system

Reproductive system

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs Epithelial cells in urogenital sinus, prostate and urinary bladder No
T050096 Trp63-rox-stop-rox-P2A-iCre Trp63 Urinary system

Reproductive system

Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs Epithelial cells in urogenital sinus, prostate and urinary bladder No
T055395 Trpc4-T2A-iCre Trpc4 Nervous system

Circulation system

Urinary system

Motor & skeletal system

Nervous system-Hippocampus

Circulation system-Myocardium

Nervous system-Cortex

Circulation system-Vascular smooth muscle

Nervous system-Amygdala

Nervous system-Others

Circulation system-Vascular/lymphatic endothelium,Motor & skeletal system-Skeletal muscle

Widely expressed in cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, etc.;cardiovascular system including endothelial cells, smooth muscle and myocardial cells, skeletal muscle cells;kidney、pyramidal neurons and dorsal root ganglion No


T052715 Tyr-CreERT2 Tyr Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application scenary identified melanoblasts and melanocytes No
T056298 Uchl1-P2A-CreERT2 Uchl1 Nervous system Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Spinal cord

Corticospinal motor neurons, dorsal root ganglia, dynamoneure and other sensory neurons No
T050812 Upk2-P2A-iCre Upk2 Urinary system Uroepithelial cells of the bladder and ureter No
T038247 Uts2r-P2A-CreERT2 Uts2r Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application under discovery Uts2r+ cells, application under discovery No
T056544 Uts2r-P2A-Dre Uts2r Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application under discovery Uts2r+ cells, application under discovery No
T052676 Vav1-iCre Vav1 Circulation system Circulation system-Hematopoietic cell lineage Hematopoietic stem cells, almost all blood cells No
T054065 Vim-rox-stop-rox-iCre Vim Uncategorized Uncategorized-Application scenary identified Expressed on cells in the endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process and can be used as a marker or conditional knockout for endothelial cells during migration, transdifferentiation, or spontaneous tumors. No
T006191 Vip-iCre Vip Nervous system Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Brainstem

Widely expressed in the brain, primarily in the cortex and restricted in the midbrain and hindbrain. No
T053688 Vwa5b1-IRES-iCre Vwa5b1 Reproductive system Reproductive system-Male reproductive organs Testis No
T006194 Wfs1-P2A-iCre Wfs1 Nervous system Nervous system-Hippocampus

Nervous system-Cortex

Nervous system-Thalamus/hypothalamus

Highly expressed in the pyriform cortex and 2/3 layer of the cortex; hippocampus, striatum, thalamus, cerebellum and some cell populations in olfactory areas. No
T010882 Zbtb7b-iCre Zbtb7b Immune system Immune system-T lymphocytes

Immune system-Monocytes

Immune system-Macrophages

Bone marrow macrophages, CD4+ T cells No