Keratinocyte Differentiation Media-suitable for 2D, 3D and co-cultures

Keratinocyte Differentiation Media-suitable for 2D, 3D and co-cultures

Keratinocyte Differentiation Media-suitable for 2D, 3D and co-cultures

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A chemically-defined serum-free media suitable for 3D organotypic Skin culture, 3D Keratinocyte collagen/airlift culture to allow for proper stratification of primary and immortalised keratinocyte.

It supports both the growth and differentiation of keratinocyte from the start of the culturing procedure to the end of the experimentation. This medium is also suitable to support the growth of skin cells embedded in Extracellular matrix such as fibroblast in collagen matrix.


Key Features

  • Suitable for 2D ,3D and co-cultures . One solution fits all chemically defined, serum-free
  • Allows differentiation of  fibroblasts, keratinocytes, melanocytes and mesenchymal stem cells
  • Allow proper stratification of primary &  immortalised keratinocytes
  • Can be used for 3D skin culture from start to the end (no different media required)
  • Support growth of skin cells embedded in extracellular matrix




  • Skin Organoid Culture
  • Epidermal Differentiation
  • Dermal Substitute
  • 3D bioprinting of skin equivalent
  • Skin Microfluidic system