

Product Description

Nivolumab anti-PD-1) is a genetically engineered fully human immunoglobulin Ig) G4 monoclonal antibody directed against the negative immunoregulatory human cell surface receptor programmed death-1PD-1PCD-1) with immune checkpoint inhibitory and antineoplastic activities.



[accordion title= “Chemical Properties“]

Molecular Weight 146 kDa
CAS No. 946414-94-4





[accordion title= “References and Literature“]

1. Sundar R, et al. Nivolumab in NSCLC: latest evidence and clinical potential. Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2015 Mar;7(2):85-96.2. Wang C, et al. In Vitro Characterization of the Anti-PD-1 Antibody Nivolumab, BMS-936558, and In Vivo Toxicology in Non-Human Primates. Cancer Immunology Research. 2014 Sep;2(9):846-56.
