Anti-Viral Compound Library

Anti-Viral Compound Library

Product Description


Anti-Viral Compound Library

Virus is a small infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of other organisms through various pathways, and causes the damage to the host cells. Common diseases caused by virus include smallpox, the common cold, chickenpox, influenza, shingles, hanta fever, herpes, etc. AIDS, polio, and Ebola are examples of life threatening serious viral diseases caused by HIV, poliovirus, and Ebola virus, respectively.

The Anti-Viral Compound Library from TargetMol contains 800 compounds with anti-virus bioactivity, and is an appropriate tool for drug repurposing for new anti-virus drug discovery based on the fact that these viruses rely on common host cellular mechanisms to promote discrete stages of their life cycles.

All products from TargetMol are for Research Use Only. Not for Human or Veterinary or Therapeutic Use.

Product Description

  • Quantity: A unique collection of 800 anti-virus compounds effective for new anti-virus drugs high throughput screening and high content screening.
  • Target viruses include HBV, HCV, HIV, HSV, Influenza Virus, Reverse Transcriptase, etc. covering more than 140 targets.
  • Structurally diverse and strong bioactivity.
  • Detailed compound information with structure, target, activity, IC50 value, and biological activity description, providing reference for your experimental design.
  • NMR and HPLC/LCMS validated to ensure high purity and quality.
  • NMR and HPLC validated to ensure high purity and quality.

Library Composition

Anti-Viral Compound LibraryAnti-Viral Compound LibraryAnti-Viral Compound LibraryAnti-Viral Compound LibraryAnti-Viral Compound LibraryAnti-Viral Compound Library